‘Solid Air’ Aerogel NSX-116 to Turn Industries Upside Down

London, 5/9/38 T.A.D. – Researchers at the London Institute of Nanostructured Materials (LINM) have announced a groundbreaking discovery: a revolutionary material called Nanoarchitectured Silicate X-Aerogel #116 (NSX-116). This extraordinary substance has the potential to transform industries like aviation and shipping, thanks to its incredible structural strength, anti-static and insulative properties, and fire resistance.

Aerogels are lightweight, porous structures consisting of up to 99% air and are typically made from silica, metals, or organic compounds. In essence, they are “solid air.” Owing to their extremely low density and porous nature, they possess exceptional insulation and shock-absorbing properties. However, their applications have been limited due to their fragility and inability to bear loads.

Dr. Sophia Takahashi, a materials engineer at LINM, has led a team of researchers in developing a new fabrication technique that strengthens the internal structure of existing silicate X-aerogels. The process involves a calculated oscillation of temperature and pressure during synthesis, creating a durable lattice-like structure with astounding mechanical properties. Unlike traditional aerogels that can be easily compressed or pulverized, NSX-116 can withstand immense forces and loads relative to the minimal amount of matter it contains.

“NSX-116 is flat amazing,” said Dr. Takahashi. “Its unique lattice structure not only makes it stronger but also more resilient and elastic, which means it could have countless new applications.”

The insulation industry is particularly excited about NSX-116, where conventional aerogels are widely used. Its increased strength could enable lighter, more energy-efficient buildings and transportation systems. Furthermore, its fire resistance makes it an even more attractive choice for insulation.

The very same properties have the aviation industry taking notice. With its high strength-to-weight ratio, NSX-116 could potentially replace or complement existing materials in airplane construction, resulting in lighter and more fuel-efficient aircraft. Weight and fuel efficiency have enormous impacts on airlines’ overhead and the prices passengers pay at the ticket counter.

Shipping companies are eyeing the material for protective packaging. Steve Whitman, a shipping executive, remarked, “The prospects for NSX-116 are incredibly exciting. Its combination of lightweight and shock-absorbing properties makes it ideal for shipping sensitive items. Bringing down the risk of damage to goods in transit lowers costs for everyone.” Its anti-static properties could also make NSX-116 particularly useful in packaging electronics.

Dr. Takahashi and her team at LINM are currently working on scaling up the production of NSX-116 for commercial use. “I’m delighted by the enthusiasm industries have shown for our research. We knew what we wanted to accomplish going in, and the applications it might have, but the attention has been overwhelming. The Institute had to bring on another staffer to handle licensing inquiries.”

Reporting for Future News, this is Olive Wilford in London.