Letters to the Editor

Dear Future News,

When are you going to tell us where the Kuznetsova Temporal Gateway is?! We deserve to know!

Sincerely, Frustrated Gary from Dallas

Dear Gary, You DO deserve to know. I feel your frustration, believe me, this is a story I’d really love to tell. But due to the unknown risks of time-related phenomena and for reasons of international security, the TTBA strictly forbids us from disclosing the location of the Gateway. This is punishable by both U.S. and international law, so we take the obligation very seriously. Only our chief legal counsel at FN and myself have been passed through the very rigorous clearance process.


D.D., Editor-in-Chief

Dear Future News,

You guys are hard to trust, you know? I think the TTBA has their hand up your… never mind. What’s the story on “Senator” Connolly and that InnunData terrorist thing in Czechia?

Sincerely, Skeptical Rick

Dear Rick, At Future News, we strive to maintain transparency and trust with our readers. Although we cooperate closely with the TTBA (out of necessity) to accomplish our work as journalists, we are 100% editorially independent of them, only limiting our reporting as required by applicable laws.

As for SC State Rep. Thomas Connolly, I’m aware of no connection between him and InnunData or the warehouse explosion in Chotebor. Allegations that he is improperly financially involved with InnunData remain complete speculation, and we’ve found no evidence for them (and believe me, we’ve looked).

D.D., Editor-in-Chief

Send your reader questions and letters to: future [at] futurenews.app.

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