Future News Weekly Digest – Week of May 22nd – 28th, 23/38 Yes, We Eat Bugs: Insect Protein in 2038 If the idea of feasting on bugs makes you cringe, don’t sweat! Insects are a delicious way to help feed our ever-growing population. Future NewsDaniel Detlaf Ethical Storm Erupts Over Plans to Clone Neanderthal Child Dr. Susan Frontling has unveiled ambitious plans to clone a Neanderthal child using preserved DNA from ancient remains. Future NewsDaniel Detlaf Mysterious Encryption Alarms Cybersecurity Experts Cybersecurity experts are sounding the alarm after detecting a surge in sophisticated encryption patterns in network traffic. Future NewsDaniel Detlaf G-Loading: A “Real Pain in the Ass” G-Loaders launch their small vehicles by rolling through magnetic accelerators, bursting out at incredible speeds. Future NewsDaniel Detlaf Horrific Landslide Devastates Jackson, Wyoming, Hundreds Feared Dead Aid and support are pouring in from surrounding states, the federal government, and the Canadian government Future NewsDaniel Detlaf The Janitor of Chotebor Cold sweat dripped down his temples as he heard the swoosh of a knife slicing through the air, mere inches from the side of his neck… Future NewsDaniel Detlaf Enjoying the Future? Support ad-free content and independent creators. 🚀 Tip Jar 🚀