UFOs Everywhere: Surge in Advanced Drone Sightings Puzzles Experts
Unidentified aerial vehicles (UAVs) with advanced capabilities have been reported in increasing numbers by both civilians and military personnel worldwide.
Growing Concern As European Far-Right Embraces U.S. Temporal Sovereignty Movement
European leaders are growing increasingly alarmed as the controversial U.S. Temporal Sovereignty movement gains traction among far-right groups in Europe.
Swarm Robotics Unearth Massive New Cave System in Ecuador’s Chimborazo
A cave system potentially deeper than the renowned Lechuguilla Cave in New Mexico has been discovered in the Chimborazo region of Ecuador.
Unauthorized Use of Illicit Future Technology Confirmed: TTBA Issues Dire Warning
The Temporal Transit Blockade Authority has officially confirmed that unknown actors have been detected using technology illegally imported from the future.
Exclusive: Reddit Tries to Learn Future of Company, TTBA Shuts Down Corporate Efforts
The owners of the popular discussion platform recently contacted the TTBA for information from the future.