An Interview with Temporal Transit Blockade Authority Spokesperson Vanessa Tso

Brussels, 7/6/23 C.E. – On a brisk morning at the TTBA headquarters in Brussels, I sat down with Vanessa Tso, the Public Relations Director for the Temporal Transit Blockade Authority. As the liaison between the TTBA and the public, Tso has been the public face of many stories concerning the Kuznetsova Gateway and the TTBA, bridging the gap not just between the years 2023 and 2038, but between the public and the mystique that the “time-travel” regulatory body has acquired in popular culture.

Olive Wilford: First off, I want to thank you for taking the time for this interview. Let’s get started shall we?

Vanessa Tso: Absolutely. Happy to be here.

OW: The TTBA hasn’t been around long, but already it is picking up a certain reputation as an unusual organization to work for. What would you say is your favorite aspect of working with the TTBA?

VT: Definitely the people. It’s a place brimming with visionaries from across the globe, united by a common goal – to navigate the complexities of our connection to the future, and the unique opportunities and dangers that arise from it. It is — I can’t think of a way to say it without sounding corny. Cutting edge? Forward thinking? Ahead of its time?

OW: How important would you say the Kuznetzova Gateway is to mankind? It’s huge in the public imagination, but on a practical level, does it change anything?

VT: Oh, it’s monumental! It marks a new epoch in human exploration. It’s not just about connecting two points in time, it’s about expanding the boundaries of human knowledge and potential. It’s an amazing technical achievement, and one that may help us understand the fundamental nature of the universe.

OW: What are your biggest concerns about the present and future of the Gateway?

VT: We’re dealing with a technology of unprecedented scale and implications. It’s vital that we remain cautious. Our biggest challenge is to ensure that the Gateway doesn’t become a tool for exploitation or a source of discord. Already we have seen attempts by criminals or even nations to exploit the Gateway’s existence to manipulate vulnerable people.

OW: You’re referring to Zimbabwe?

VT: …

OW: I see. Perhaps we could discuss that situation off the record. There has been controversy surrounding the TTBA’s inability to provide information about religious practices in the future. How do you respond to these concerns?

VT: I understand the concerns of various religious groups, and also of the U.S. Temporal Sovereignty movement. However, our mandate is to ensure the integrity of both timelines. For reasons relating to the states of affairs in both 2023 and 2038, it was decided by the Board to restrict various categories of information, in accordance with the provisions in the charter given to the TTBA by the UN General Assembly and the Security Council.

OW: That’s not a very satisfying answer.

VT: I’m sorry Olive, it’s the simple truth. At the TTBA we can’t even talk about talking about some subjects wthout causing controversy. Sometimes we have to simply explain our position and leave it at that.

OW: Let’s revisit that next time? Finally, then, what is the future of the TTBA?

VT: I think we’d better wait and see.

As we concluded our chat on and off the record, it was clear that the TTBA under the stewardship of people like Vanessa Tso is keen on navigating the uncharted waters ahead with optimism and some caution.

I have mixed feelings about the meeting. It is disappointing to see the futuristic agency as another bureaucracy, giving bland and unrevealing statements, and there was much of that both on and off the record. There is also a sense of real hope in talking with Vanessa Tso, though. She acts and sounds like a person who believes in the work she does. It shines through, and it gave me hope that — whatever really happens behind the scenes at the TTBA — there are good people there being a part of it.

Reporting for Future News, this is Olive Wilford in Brussels.